Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The loss of a loved one

Its never easy hearing that you have lost someone you love.  But, it somehow harder when you lose someone that is so young and full of life.  We expect that we will lose a parent, grandparent or elderly aunt.  Never is it easy to find that a friend has lost her daughter. 

My dear friend, Kari was informed earlier Sunday morning that her beautiful daughter Amy was thrown from an automobile and killed instantly.  Amy only 18 years old a bright and beautiful girl who graduated as high school valedictorian two weeks before this tragic event.  Amy had plans to attend a close by University in a few months.  She had big plans for herself and within a minute those plans where extinguished. 

There seems to be nothing I can do thousands of miles away but pray and send some money.  Prayer is the healer of all things.  God works wonders in people lives.  He is the only one that can help a mother deal with her tragic loss.  I know this but, yet I feel helpless.  I feel that no matter what I say or do that it is not good enough.  This is not about my feelings,  this is about making sure I do everything I possible can.

This loss hits home so easily, my own daughter is only 21 and then I have 2 preschoolers.  I grieve for Kari's loss, but I also grieve that this tragic event can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time.  It makes you want to hold on to your kids and hug them with everything you have.  To tuck them in at night and make sure you kiss and hug them.  To always remember that you say I LOVE YOU, everyday!

Tell your loved ones that you love them!!



Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Time to take the oldest to the bus station

My oldest daughter, Chantel now lives with her father in San Diego County.  Chantel like most of us is still trying to find herself and her way through life.  So, this morning after a 2 day visit she is going back to her life in San Diego.  And in a few hours she will be back on a Greyhound bus to her little corner in the world.

Chantel is now 21 and knows what she wants in life, or at least she says she does.  She loves make-up.  This is to me is funny, since I hardly wore makeup my whole life.  She wants to do makeup for a living, either for theatre or professional jobs in the entertainment industry.  She loves working on plays and do backstage work.  All of this is a completely different world to my little mommy world.  But, right now....since makeup school is so expensive, she is a caretaker at a home for physically challenged women.  The pay stinks, the work is hard ( a lot of lifting, cleaning and taking care of the needs of her clients) but, I know that she has a huge talent for this type of work. 

Chantel is a caretaker!!  She might not see it that way now.  But, she has always had a knack for caring for those who can not take care of themselves.  She was a nanny for years.  But, I think taking care of these women will strengthen her being and in the long run make her a stronger person.  Not, just anyone can take good care of people who can not care for themselves.  And Chantel has the compassion and love like no one else.

